We are a zero-budget, grass roots move to connect adults who care with kids for tutoring and positive role models. Our goal is to equip churches to be a blessing to the students in their neighborhoods by providing HomeworkNight at their facility.
We had a great summer, sharing it with a group of Homework Night students in some off-site leadership development environments. Thanks to Willie, Velika, and some other friends like Nick Hunter for being so supportive in developing these children!
This Monday, September 12, we kick off the new school year of Homework Night at Zion Tabernacle's Community Center. The Student Leadership group held a great meeting this afternoon, and here are a couple of videos...let's see what the kids have to say:
And here is the word from the biggest kid in our midst, Willie!
Want to be a part of changing a child, and changing our city as a result? Meet us at 910 N. Shattuck St at 5 pm on Monday, September 12 for Homework Night! (Seriously, just show up - we are doing Volunteer Orientation on site.)
Just a couple months ago, this spark happened. The spark said, "We can do something really positive for the kids in our community. Let's connect people who care with children who could use some help with homework, and who would be greatly impacted knowing someone cares for them."
Thus was born www.HomeworkNight.com, and Monday Nights at our Pilot site, the Community Center at Zion Tabernacle, Shattuck and Moeling St, Lake Charles.
This Monday, May 23, is our semester wrap-up and party. We're inviting EVERYONE who expressed an interest in Homework Night to celebrate with us, and see how this endeavor changed children and adults. And how we can take next steps together to connect people of character with children to provide help and hope through tutoring and positive role models.
Here are a couple videos from one Monday Night this semester.
THIS MONDAY is a great time for you to get started with Homework Night. Questions? Call/text/email Paul Pettefer 794-9891, paul@theCityChurch.us, or Willie King, 802-2629, or Velika Hurst.
Here is a peek into Ms. Ann and Ms. Jean's room at Homework Night. Want to change a child'l life? Here's how it looks.
Ms. Ann spends two minutes helping Miriam make change. She's a Kindergarten student.
Now for some interviews of the students in Ms. Ann and Ms. Jean's Homework Night room.
Miriam's Dad tells us why all this matters. To our nation's future. To him.
Last Night, over 60 children put on a Banquet to honor Local Heroes. Over 250 of us gathered at the Historic Old Calcasieu Marine Bank Building. We were served entirely by children, over 60 of them did all the serving, provided the entertainment, presented the Heroes Awards, and spoke about the troubles and Hope in their lives.
The young man pictured above is who asked for this banquet. He was recently arrested, and reached out for help. Two of our Heroes answered, and this young man's life is changed. It has been such a joy to be around this group of children and see them take these opportunities to lead and serve...and they are different as a result.
Here is his speech from last night:
I wish you could have been with me over the past few months to see how this group of young people have grown and responded to the challenges and opportunities put before them. I'm so proud!
Here is the speech of Michael, a student at AMI Kids. Michael's life is on such a good trajectory, and when you here his story, you'll see why. We're proud of you, Michael!
The children of our city are asking for people to come along side them, to walk with them and show them the way to a life of value and opportunity. Their gratitude for the servant leaders, like my beloved friend, Willie King, is beautiful.
So, if you're reading this, get in the game! Homework Night is every Monday...I'll see you there.
We will be posting more of the videos and stories of their night over the next day or so, so stay tuned.
Here are some more (all are short, about 4 minutes each): (To see the videos in full size, click over to our YouTube channel here.)
Our two special Heroes, Bobby Dower and Lt. Jame Stewart (great men!):
Mr. Billy Navarre shares about who Willie King is:
The student leaders in the Homework Night movement want to celebrate local heroes in a tangible and meaningful way, so we are doing a banquet, February 24, to Celebrate our Children (funds raised to support Homework Night) and Honor Local Heroes who have contributed to life in our community!
Reservations have been placed for these Sponsors:
100 Blackmen of Metro Lake Charles
A B Franklin, State Representative
American Press
Billy Navarre Chevrolet
Billy Navarre Honda
Boudreaux Motivational Speaking
Business First Bank / Congressman Charles Boustany
Calcasieu Parish School Board
Calcasieu Parish Sherriff's Office
Chennault International Airport
Christus St. Patrick Hospital
Cox, Cox, Filo, Camel, & Wilson
Hunter, Hunter, & Sonnier
King's Enterprises
Lake Charles Memorial Hospital
Lake Charles Police Department
Martin GMC
Million Air
New Emmanuel Baptist Church
R. E. Heidt Construction
Ronnie & Michelle Johns
Rotary Club of Lake Charles
Sasol North America
Southwest Louisiana Economic Development
Sowela Technical Community College
Stine Lumber
SWLA Center for Health Services
United Way
Senator Willie Mount
Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church
Additional Sponsors:
Diamond Paint
Dwight Law Firm
Family & Youth Counseling Agency
Flavin Realty
Hilliard & Hilliard
Jeff Davis Bank
LA Radio
Simien Law Firm / St. Mary
Thank you all for your support!
Nominate your Hero Here! Buy a table and join us for this Celebration!
Jan 31 was our opening night for tutoring. It was great! There were around 30 students, and we had a few more tutors than students.
The stories that came out of the night were exactly what we hoped for. Kids had a good time, and the tutors/mentors were blessed.
This week, we had a small leadership enlistment meeting with community members and school representatives. More traction is coming, from several directions! We'll post some video from that soon.
The movement is...moving. Get on Board! Volunteer here.
If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to call/text paul pettefer @ 794-9891, or email me paul@theCityChurch.us.
This Monday Night is Homework Night! January 31st is our first live night of tutoring. Our launch site is at the new Community Center at Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church, 910 N. Shattuck St. Homework Night is from 5-7 pm. We're in their new education building, and the entrance is on the back of their beautiful campus. (Thank you Zion Tab!)
Ready to volunteer? Click here to sign up to volunteer, and tell us about yourself.
Parents, come early and stay with us for the evening. We are emphasizing 4-5th grades at launch date. Sign-up and snack time is from 5-5:15.
We're ready to bring help and hope to children in our city!
Tonight we had our first Homework Night @ Zion Tabernacle Church. About 150+ of us there there to show a picture, told in human stories, of what a Re-Assembled Village looks like.
22 young people, from middle-school to college, stood before the assembled volunteers and introduced adults who have "crossed the bridge" into a successful life.
The night was a powerful statement, because so many of YOU are making your statement that you care about kids in our community.
We're proud of you!
Here is the video of the first hour of the evening:
This week the students who did the presenting practiced such a vital skill, and their progress is awesome! They are leaders, exercising their muscles and growing! Next week, we start tutoring.
To volunteer to be a part of this movement, tell us about you here.
Tomorrow night, Monday, January 24, 2011, 5-7 pm, at Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church (Map), our Launch of Homework Night! Tomorrow Night has 3 goals:
Orientation time, getting familiar with the facility at Zion, and the layout for the tutoring nights starting next week (orientation for Kids and tutors/mentors).
Relationship building with students and adults involved. This is critical - successful tutoring will require building relationships, both between the volunteers and the kids.
Presentation from students about what Re-Assembling the Village looks like. We are pumped about this!
Want to find out more about Homework Night? Be with us tomorrow, or any Monday. Call/text/email Paul @ 794-9891, or paul@theCityChurch.us if you want to visit more. You can also sign up on our Volunteer Page now.
If you are ready to volunteer, click on the Volunteer Here page link at the top right. We're starting next Monday, January 24, 5-7 at Zion Tabernacle. Oh Yeah!!!