Friday, May 20, 2011

Pilot Semester Great Success! May 23 is Last Monday of Semester - Celebration & Party. YOU are Invited!

Just a couple months ago, this spark happened.  The spark said, "We can do something really positive for the kids in our community.  Let's connect people who care with children who could use some help with homework, and who would be greatly impacted knowing someone cares for them."

Thus was born, and Monday Nights at our Pilot site, the Community Center at Zion Tabernacle, Shattuck and Moeling St, Lake Charles.

This Monday, May 23, is our semester wrap-up and party.  We're inviting EVERYONE who expressed an interest in Homework Night to celebrate with us, and see how this endeavor changed children and adults.  And how we can take next steps together to connect people of character with children to provide help and hope through tutoring and positive role models.

Here are a couple videos from one Monday Night this semester.

THIS MONDAY is a great time for you to get started with Homework Night.  Questions?  Call/text/email Paul Pettefer 794-9891,, or Willie King, 802-2629, or Velika Hurst.

Here is a peek into Ms. Ann and Ms. Jean's room at Homework Night. Want to change a child'l life?  Here's how it looks.

Ms. Ann spends two minutes helping Miriam make change.  She's a Kindergarten student.

Now for some interviews of the students in Ms. Ann and Ms. Jean's Homework Night room.

Miriam's Dad tells us why all this matters.  To our nation's future.  To him.

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