Friday, February 25, 2011

1st Celebration of Children Banquet, 2011

Last Night, over 60 children put on a Banquet to honor Local Heroes.  Over 250 of us gathered at the Historic Old Calcasieu Marine Bank Building.  We were served entirely by children, over 60 of them did all the serving, provided the entertainment, presented the Heroes Awards, and spoke about the troubles and Hope in their lives.  

The young man pictured above is who asked for this banquet.  He was recently arrested, and reached out for help.  Two of our Heroes answered, and this young man's life is changed.  It has been such a joy to be around this group of children and see them take these opportunities to lead and serve...and they are different as a result.

Here is his speech from last night:

I wish you could have been with me over the past few months to see how this group of young people have grown and responded to the challenges and opportunities put before them.  I'm so proud!

Here is the speech of Michael, a student at AMI Kids.  Michael's life is on such a good trajectory, and when you here his story, you'll see why.  We're proud of you, Michael!

The children of our city are asking for people to come along side them, to walk with them and show them the way to a life of value and opportunity.  Their gratitude for the servant leaders, like my beloved friend, Willie King, is beautiful.

So, if you're reading this, get in the game!  Homework Night is every Monday...I'll see you there.

We will be posting more of the videos and stories of their night over the next day or so, so stay tuned.

Here are some more (all are short, about 4 minutes each):  (To see the videos in full size, click over to our YouTube channel here.)

Our two special Heroes, Bobby Dower and Lt. Jame Stewart (great men!):

Mr. Billy Navarre shares about who Willie King is:

Willie King's talk (always wonderful!):

Oh, and Don't Miss This: Closing Ceremony



  1. Dear Sponsors,

    There are no words that can express our appreciation for your investment and support of the Children's Celebration last night. We are hopeful that you got a sincere understanding of our commitment to these children and their needs. We know it was all done on very short notice and had an impact on your budget because it was not a planned event. Just know that there is a huge sense of urgency and we can not afford to wait any longer to invest in our children as you heard from the keynote speakers.

    Our Children were in their element of dedication to ensure you knew it was their event. They wanted to share their testimonies with you in hopes of you grasping the idea that they need to have individuals in this city they can lean on. They wanted to read each and every one of the nominations and as you witnessed, some of them struggled and that is the goal of Homeworknight, to help teach, mentor and grow them.

    We assure you that your donations will be used 100% for the children. But most especially we hope you had an elegant evening of dining and fun watching the Children wait the tables, speak and serve. Let's stop the rain and give them less cloudy days with just a little drizzle and we may just save more of them.....One Child At A Time!

    Thanks so very much. We hope to see more of you at Homeworknight on Monday's. Visit the website for more details.

    Best Regards,

    Willie and Wanda King, Paul Pettefer, Pattie Rupert, Velika Hurst, George Day, Russell Pawlowski, Ellawenna Woods, Billy Navarre and Wayne Savoy and especially Chef Joe Lubin and Rick and Donna Richard

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