Monday, January 24, 2011

Re-Assembling the Village

Tonight we had our first Homework Night @ Zion Tabernacle Church.  About 150+ of us there there to show a picture, told in human stories, of what a Re-Assembled Village looks like.

22 young people, from middle-school to college, stood before the assembled volunteers and introduced adults who have "crossed the bridge" into a successful life.

The night was a powerful statement, because so many of YOU are making your statement that you care about kids in our community.

We're proud of you!

Here is the video of the first hour of the evening:

This week the students who did the presenting practiced such a vital skill, and their progress is awesome!  They are leaders, exercising their muscles and growing!  Next week, we start tutoring.

To volunteer to be a part of this movement, tell us about you here.

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